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Trainees progress towards the Teachers' Standards will be reviewed at regular intervals throughout the course and a wide range of evidence is used when making judgements.


Lesson observation

From the outset, trainees will receive feedback on their interactions with the children, and then gradually focus in more specifically on how effectively their teaching promotes learning. When overall judgements are made on the quality of lessons, School-Based Trainers will refer to set criteria which have been developed by the Partnership, and which are based on the Ofsted Framework for School Inspections. This ensures consistency of judgement across the Partnership, as well as allowing trainees from the very beginning to understand how qualified teachers are judged in terms of their teaching.


Progressing as a Teacher

The Teachers’ Standards form the basis of assessments of trainee progress throughout the year. Each half term our School-Based Trainers refer to our step-by-step framework for assessing trainee teachers, which explicitly states the competencies trainees are required to demonstrate, not just in their teaching, but overall as a teacher. It is used to support regular summative assessments and used formatively to identify where training opportunities are needed. This framework is shared directly with trainees so that they are well-equipped to self-evaluate and prioritise targets for their continued development.


The focus of all observations is developmental - with a clear aim to help trainees to further improve the quality of teaching and learning over time.  


The final Assessment will take place in June and will consist of a paired observation, scrutiny of evidence against the Teachers' Standards, a formal interview and a final summative report from the teacher tutor. Two phonics lesson will also be observed in the final few weeks.



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