For a full list of the grants and loans available, eligibility criteria and an online finance calculator or to apply for one of these grants/loans online, please click here
Alternatively, you may choose to pay the tuition fee out of private funds. Please contact us for details of the payment schedule.
Who pays the tuition fees?
PGTA - Tuition fees are paid for by the school drawing down the funds from the apprenticeship levy. Apprentices have no further recourse to any funding from the Student Loans Company as they are paid a salary.
PGCE and QTS programmes - All other trainees will need to fund their own tuition fees – this can either be done privately (in three termly instalments, further details available from the Partnership if required) or by applying for a tuition fee loan from the Student Loans Company.
How does a Student Loan work?
Your tuition fees will be paid automatically to the Partnership by the SLC and you will pay them back, according to a pre-determined schedule, once you are employed and earning over the minimum salary threshold.
What are Maintenance Loans?
Depending on your personal financial circumstances, you may also be eligible for a maintenance loan to contribute towards your costs of living. This is means-tested and will be completely individualised to each applicant. This is paid termly, at the start of each term, by the Student Loans Company.
What if I have special circumstances?
There are further avenues of funding available, such as Childcare Grants, Parents’ Learning Allowances or Disabled Students’ Allowances. For a full list of the grants and loans available, eligibility criteria and an online finance calculator, click here