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Our Aims

The intention of Ashmead Initial Teacher Training is to provide sustainable local solutions that address local needs. Our key aims reflect the values we hold for our community; the children, their families, our trainees and our partnership schools:


  • To ensure that outcomes for pupils remains at the heart of our vision, so that our preparation of excellent teachers wholly supports the increasingly diverse needs of our local school community.

  • To provide a high quality programme of initial teacher training which delivers a comprehensive, inspirational and motivating training experience.

  • To offer an exciting complement of rich environments; within which individuals will flourish as highly effective and creative teachers for the 21st century.

  • To enable trainee teachers to become confident and committed practitioners, who are proactive in leading their own professional development, through deep and incisive self-reflection.

  • To develop trainee teachers’ subject knowledge for teaching so that they demonstrate their ability to deliver stimulating lessons in which the learners are engaged and make maximum progress.

  • To seamlessly blend academic study with practical experience to develop the highest levels of professional attributes, knowledge, understanding and skills.

  • To engage in research and development opportunities in order that the Partnership remains at the forefront of innovative practice in Initial Teacher Education and Training.

  • To set high expectations of professionalism for all; celebrating a teacher’s role and position in society.

  • To ensure high quality provision is accessible to all trainees, regardless of their age, sex, ethnic background or schools in which they are trained.
  • To ensure that training is coherent, personalised and responsive to meet the individual needs of trainees.
  • To provide outstanding teacher training through practical experience in the primary age range
  • To provide extended support and CPD opportunities for our trainees and their partnership schools beyond the initial engagement of the training year.



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